Byron Jennings
Travel Banner

This is the finished product. 63 layers were combined to create this 55.7 x 39.4 inch scrapbook-style poster, which was displayed on the arterial in front of the school. For this project, an actual mother and daughter were photographed at seperate times due to scheduling conflicts. The proof of concept was a very simple sketch, and most of the decisions and changes were made on the spot. The total completion time for this project was 4 weeks, mostly because of scheduling issues for the models.

This was our first model. I shot a variety of poses from a variety of angles to give us the option of flexibility to alter the design.

After the models' photos were processed and combined, they were put into the layout. Immediately, we decided that the model's needed to be changed. Unfortunately, the pose we decided on was one whe hadn't shot. Due to the large file sizes, the model's photos were in a seperate file.

This was our second model, and the actual mother of the first model. Again, a variety of shots were taken in our classroom studio for flexibility.

This is the model workspace after the shoulder of the daughter was replaced from another photo, along with the arm of the receptionist from our office. Due to time constraints, the arm work was not as finished as I wanted.